God has a femme Cannon
The powers that be, are rapidly providing me with additional females to disappoint.
For a man with such unbridled failure in the realm of dating, I sure am seeing a lot of action.
It isn't that my heart is broken. I haven't been particularly taken with any of these women. It isn't that I'm lonely. I am surrounded by friends and family who all love me. I guess I always figured that I was so awesome, when the time came, I would be beating the women off with a stick no larger than my thumb. Well, the time has come, and there is a veritable hoard of available femme, but they keep hitting me first.
See, I'm not very good at the violence.
After the Incident with Princess, I had 3 pretty bad days. In between feeling sorry for myself, I felt like I'd lost a friend, and that I had no idea what I was doing with this dating thing. A lot of self doubt in there. Altogether not so good.
But I can always fall back on my friends. I sent out word that there was pie, and a few people came over to my house tonight, and incidentally cheered me up.
I feel like my confidence is wounded. Every time a woman says "I definitely I think I can do better than you," in that way or otherwise, it pokes me. Then I sleep on it, and I get a scab. A brain scab. When it happens again, the scab flakes off, and my confidence hole grows a little deeper. What I need is some time off from rejection. I need a little space to restore my self worth before I can continue my whole hearted quest, with a whole heart. Because right now, I'm just waiting for the next disappointment.
And her name is Rock Dove. That's not really her name. None of these girls have real names, and it's the least I can do, since I'm an asshole to publish their stories without consent.
Rock Dove is a 25 year old Geologist living in metropolitan Los Angeles. She of course, has a passion for nature, education, technology, and sex.
Sex is mentioned no less than three times in her profile.
I'll just leave out the details, because I think she may resent both talking about her, *and* sharing of personal information online. I like to pretend that sharing just one of those is alright though.
You are all perhaps wondering what it is that I am walking into. Those who know me will not be surprised to hear that I need to develop a considerable comfort bubble before I am comfortable with physical contact, let alone, physical contact plus. This was the subject of the third open question I asked. She appears to be looking to establish love before she claims a Penis. That is an important point for me.
What was her Answer to the Zombie Question?
That's the funny part. I have been in partial communication with her for over a month. I get a response about once a week, and since we're all paying buy the month for these accounts, I get the feeling that I'm getting second or third billing here. But hey, looks like it's my show now. One step at a time, I cross a quaking bog on the corpses of those that have fallen before me.
There are positive things we have going on here:
She's a geologist. The Sexiest of all sciences. The earth science closest to my own cold stone heart.
She's experienced. I don't mean sexually. I mean, I'm sure she is, but all in all, that's just intimidating. But she gives me the impression of a woman who knows how to handle her self in a relationship.
Her number two passion is conversation. Conversation is oral communication, a strong point of mine.
We share a lot of Cooking, Technology, and Theater. Cooking is Creativity, and Technology and Theater are Geeky. And being a Geologist makes her Geeky. Technology + Theater+ Geology combines to make her a potential double plus geek. A real prize.
She loves woodworking. More creativity. I think I feed off creativity like the Pootworm feeds off the brains of the slow moving Gafkabeast.
"I enjoyed reading your response to my questions. So sound like a very sweet and generous guy," she says. Her answers are full of typos. For a person who takes a week to generate a 3 sentence response, she's not a terribly good typist.
I will tread carefully. My heart isn't so much into it, but I'll give it the old college try.
After all, what do I have to lose except my sanity? And Sanity is really just a one trick Pony. All you get is one trick: Rational Thought. But if you're Crazy, then the Sky's the limit.
Hey! I have to say your love life turns into an interesting read even if a little down. Cheer up, people certainly miss you down here.
The quite verbose and tactful,
I have one question that you don't have to respond to: do I know Princess? If so, Will you allow me to talk about it in mixed company? Or not?
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