Hero Seeking Vigilante

This blog now serves as a historical log of my quest for love. A collection of stories and articles more than blog posts, I hope that it can continue to amuse and entertain beyond it's active lifespan.

An adventurous young computer nerd/ gaming geek travels into the world looking for love in all the wrong places. And posts the terrible terrible consequences right here.

Monday, March 13, 2006

The Dorkiest Way Possible

"Blandine, archangel of dreams, has requested to add you as her girlfriend, but before we can do that, you must confirm that you are actually in a relationship with
Blandine, archangel of dreams.

To confirm this request, go to: ..."

Imagine my suprise to find this message waiting for me from facebook.

She asked me to be her girlfriend. In the Dorkiest way possible. She's a winner.

The boyfriend/girlfriend agreement is always vague. What are your obligations? What are your responsibilities? Every person has their own expectations, and I thought it would be important to have this understanding before we stepped into a commitment. After all, if I expect her to dress up like a teddy bear and wear a leash on special occasions, I would hate for that to be a suprise, right?
what follows are some of my expectations out of her, as a girlfriend.

I expect communication. And I expect her to initiate it sometimes. I hate being the one who makes all the phone calls.

I expect physical contact. I need her hand like I need gravity.

I expect her to work.
This one is tricky to explain, but basically I need her to put into the relationship too. I need her time, her energy and her love. I have a lot to give, and I want to give everything I have. But if I give my time and energy without getting time, energy, or affection back, it really dampens me.

I need spoken affirmation.
Speech is my primary love language. I prefer to express and receive love, in words. The idea is that non spoken communication must be interpreted, and anything that must be interpreted can be misinterpreted. Spoken word can be misinterpreted as well, but to a smaller degree than non-spoken language. Contact is my second love language, as I'd established previously.

We talked about our needs and our expectations, at least as far as we understood them.

"So you're requesting exclusive dating privilges, as well as exclusive access to kisses and lovins?" I asked.
"Yes!" she said.

"And in exchange, I can stop lamenting my own day to day existence, and finally go back to living a happy and normal life?"
"Umm.... sure?"

"Sounds like a deal." I said.

So now I'm her girlfriend.
I imagine we'll work out the semantics of this situation at a later date.

I think it's a little unusual to do this after two dates. After two weeks. But if you met her, you'd know.

Blandine is the vigilante I've been looking for. She's the artist, she's the adventurer. She's a learner and a doer. She's a playmate. She's a thinker and a cynic. She is a person I feel I have known forever.

So now we're an item. Plodding off into the great purple future, to kick some ass, and take some names.


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