Hero Seeking Vigilante

This blog now serves as a historical log of my quest for love. A collection of stories and articles more than blog posts, I hope that it can continue to amuse and entertain beyond it's active lifespan.

An adventurous young computer nerd/ gaming geek travels into the world looking for love in all the wrong places. And posts the terrible terrible consequences right here.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Controlled illcommunication

I suppose it bothers me, this convention of communication abortion.

The idea that the woman doesn't need to go out of her way, respectfully or otherwise, to tell you what the fuck is going on. If a woman doesn't want to date you any more, she just stops talking to you. This works if you don't have any social intersect, or care what she thinks. But if you like her, or if you know the same people, or if you dance at the same places, then it really just doesn't.

The communication abortion method is simple, and non-confrontational (read as: cowardly, disrespectful), and it gives plenty of time for both parties come to their own conclusions (which may, or may not be the same). When I next run into the Woman in Red, what will we do?
I guess I will do what I always do. I will ask her to dance.

It will have to be a slow song, because I have developed a very smooth gait for the slow waltzes. I will lead her in circles across the floor, and heads will turn. She is, after all, The Woman in Red. During the dance, I will make polite eye contact, and she will look at me through her dark brown curls. She will look at me as though she is having a good time, as if she is wondering what it might be like to be kissed. But only because that is her job. The song will end, and I will thank her for the dance, and she will be beautiful. Then I will disappear into the crowd, and leave her be.

Or, before another six days pass, she may respond to my email. My last attempt at communication was four days ago. Until I hear from her, I am just sitting on a wire, wondering if it's already over. Every time I sit down, I look for the answer. I check my email, and I hope that at the top of my screen will be a bolded title:
"Re: So You survived a Zombie Attack... "

It occurs to me, that I have no idea what normal people do on dates, or why they go out. I understand that at the conclusion, the boy is supposed to try to kiss the girl, and she will commonly go along with it, then worry (silently) about leading him on (because she doesn't really like him anyway).

I don't feel right, I don't feel clean initiating physical affection if there is no established emotional bond. What this convention does, is it makes it very difficult for me to build an emotional bond. It makes it Dangerous to build an emotional bond. So I can't. Every night I check my email, and wonder "Has she already started ignoring me?" But I can not know. When will I? There is no fine line, no moment where it's clear that she is ignoring me, rather than busy. But I'm afraid I've already given up on her. I'm tired. All of this worrying and waiting is taking it's toll me.

I don't know who I'm looking for, but when we find each other, I won't need to wait four days to find what she would do if Zombies Ate Her Neighbors.


At 3:24 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry. I just read the latest, the apparent (but of course uncertain, the maddening bit) Blow-off. I'm sorry that humans do this, that we are often so insensitive, so discourteous...no. Rude. That we are so often _rude_. What she is doing, unless she has a fantastically good reason that has nothing to do with ignoring you, is a lot like closing the connection by reason of "Other". Except even in those cases you have the benefit at least of knowing the connection _is_ closed.

You're right: the right girl won't take 10 or 6 or 4 or even 2 days to respond to your Zombie Date Screening Question. She won't be weirded out, or offended, or scared, and she'll have an intelligent, creative, and considered response. She'll probably even have an equivalent Date Screening Question for you.

Thus far, you just haven't run smack into the girl whose idea of good-weird includes you. Rob is _very weird_. Most of the women he has encountered (and this is still true) find him to be WEIRD and to them, WEIRD = BAD/SCARY/WANTSTOSLEEPWITHME/RUNRUNRUN. But he's exactly the kind of weird I cherish. something I knew from the moment we first spoke. And to his utter shock I chased him down and bound him to me (well, he didn't run, kick, or scream much so it was fairly easy).

Your blog indicates to me that you are also weird (I say, paying you the highest of compliments), and unfortunately, it may be a little while and a LOT of female encounters before you find a female who can appreciate your level and brand of weirdness. But it's worth the wait, I suspect you are well aware of this fact, and settling is never the right answer.

Now that I've said all this, perhaps the Lady will reappear, with an exceedingly good excuse, and make me eat a few of my words. It would be worth the meal, Spam.

Kind regards,

~ Tiffany


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