Hero Seeking Vigilante

This blog now serves as a historical log of my quest for love. A collection of stories and articles more than blog posts, I hope that it can continue to amuse and entertain beyond it's active lifespan.

An adventurous young computer nerd/ gaming geek travels into the world looking for love in all the wrong places. And posts the terrible terrible consequences right here.

Monday, January 23, 2006

What's Good for the Goose...

According to the Classic Text "How to Catch a Husband," a girl should never call a boy. Now, normally I'm a fearless rebel who never plays by the rules, not even my own, but this time, I feel like playing things by the book. Sure It's written for women, and sure it's a little dated... But what's good for the Goose is good for the Gander, right? Since I have faced nothing but sharp criticism and neglect from the women of my past, I think this time I'm going to handle these fragile social interactions more directly. With phone calls. Does it cheapen the whole thing to have it posted on the internet like an exotic reptile behind glass? Yes. Yes it does.

With the burden of contact as solely my responsibility (thank you (read as: fuck you) Ms. Manners), the question arises: When should I call her? When is it appropriate? If I call her too soon, it will suggest that perhaps I have too little to do. Also it will suggest that I am desperate. I am not desperate. If I call too late, she may lose interest, or think that I am not interested. I am, in fact, interested. (But not desperate). Ms. Manners would say that I should wait 4 days, and make arrangements for a Friday Night no later than Tuesday.
But that Bitch would also suggest that females turn down the first 3 date requests from any male, so as to weed out the weak.

So I asked a few people for their input on this situation.

The sample pool was 14 individuals chosen at random due to IM availability. There is a fairly even representation of girls and boys, and all persons interviewed are from the pertinent age group.

As you can see, the majority of persons interviewed suggested that I wait two days. One suggested that I bring Flowers, another suggested that I Not write about it Online, so as to avoid almost certain disaster. Both are excellent pieces of advice.
Since I didn't even ask the question until day two, I suppose I'm in pretty good shape. (Not Desperate.) Since I'd like to ask her out for Friday, I think a Monday or Tuesday night call is appropriate.

I still have some comedy club tickets in my wallet, so I think this would be a great opportunity to get them some use.


At 2:31 PM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So this is where you break the Not Write about it Online pledge, right? Yes. Carpe bloggem.


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